There are some wonderful steps for developing your personality and in doing so , making this world a happier place to live in. Do contribute your bit, it matters.
Always smile |
- Remember other people's birthday
- Have a firm handshake
- Compliment three people everyday
- Look people in the eye
- Say " THANK YOU " a lot
- Say " PLEASE " a lot
- Sing in the shower
- Be the first to say " Hello "
- Live within your means
- Always accept an outstretched hand
- Live so that when your children friends of fairness , caring and integrity , they think of you.
- Demand excellence and be willing to pay it
- be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
- Hug children after you discipline them
- Don't smoke.
- Don't ever mess with drugs and don't associate with those who do .
- Avoid sarcastic remarks
- Don't let any one ever see you tipsy
- Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out
- Think big thoughts , but relish small pleasures
- Never cheat
- Take a brisk walk everyday
- Smile a lot . It costs nothing and is beyond price
- Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.
- Respect everybody's privacy ; Knock before entering their rooms
- Remember people's names
- Keep your watch five minutes fast
- Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have
- Pay your bills on time
- Strive for excellence not perfection
- Avoid negative people
- Be kinder than necessary
- Observe speed limits
- Be insatiably curious
- Don't quit a job until you have lined up another
- Read the document carefully before signing
- Be your spouse's best friend and be romantic
- Become the positive and enthusiastic person you know
- Have a good posture. Enter a room with purpose and confidence
- Give your best to your employer
- Commit your self to constant self improvement
- Be a good looser and grace full winner
- Keep your promises
- Have impeccable manners
- Keep good company
- Seek out good in people
- Show respect for other's time
- Keep expectation high
- Refrain from envy
- Wear polished shoes
- Don't postpone joy
- Write " THANK YOU " notes promptly
- Make new friends but cherish the old ones too
- Donate some blood every year
- Treat every one you meet like you want to be treated
- Learn some clean jokes
- Return all things you borrow and show gratitude
- Be forgiving of your self and others
- Be courteous to everyone
- Judge your success by the degree that you are enjoying peace , health and love
- Don't expect money to bring you happiness
- Leave everything a little better than you found it
- Be modest.A lot was accomplished before you were born.
- Buy great books even if you never read them
- Seek opportunity . Not security
- Admit your mistakes
- Never give up on anybody Miracles happen every day
- Show respect for elders
- Keep your temper under control
- listen to your elders , friends and children
- Focus on making things better , not bigger
- Improve your performance by improving your attitude
- Take care your reputation-it's your most valuable asset
- be enthusiastic about the success of others
- visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital
- Remain open , flexible and curious
- Be a self starter
- Take charge of your attitude
- Remember ABC of Success , Ability , Breaks and Courage
- Know when to keep silent and when to speak up
- Be prepared to lose once in a while
- be there when people need you
- own a good dictionary and thesaurus
- Vote
- Count your blessings
- Commit yourself to quality
- be a leader
- be open to new ideas
- Never compromise your integrity
- Look for opportunity to make people feel important
- Don't be afraid to say , ' I am Sorry '
- Don't be afraid to say , ' i made a mistake '
- Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”
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